Baham's Blog

Above all else, guard your heart.

The Difference Between Coal Preparation and the Metal Preparation

Most of what I learned in university is coal processing, though my major is called mineral processing. And trully, I just learned fewer knowledge about other mineral’s processing than coal. But the company’s business is more relative about metal. And there was mineral processing training these days. It is about mineral, especially metal. After the company’s train and learning in school, I want to talk about the things about the difference between coal and metal. And I want to tell you directly, There is no difference originally.

Some teachers’ mislead

Neally all teachers in CUMT tell us most of the CUMT’s courses are about coal. Though there are courses about non-metal minerals, iron and smelting, though some teachers disagree.

But they ignore one thing, the methods to prepare minerals is the same.

There is only one teaching material about Mineral Processing in China

Not only the method is the same, but the teaching material. I found the students from NEU, CUMTB, HPU who learn Mineral Processing were all using the same book Mineral Processing edited in chage by Xie Guangyuan. Who is the dean of my college.

The same mechines are used in metal and coal

Jinjing, Haiwang, Derick the same companies are chosen to choose the mechines during directing plant. In old time, I think there is a lot of difference between designing a mineral praparation plant and a coal preparation plant. After the train, I found it is not, most of the companies’ mechines are for coal or metal or other minerals.

In other words, I hope the graduate from CUMT remember our school’s name is CUMT not China’s University of Coal and Technology. And I hope the social, the non-coal preparation plant trust graduate from CUMT. We can not only prepare coal but also metal, non-coal.

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