Baham's Blog

Above all else, guard your heart.

随机经句分享-Verse Sharing Randomly

This is a java script plugin to show randowm verse. I writed just use a kind of javascript and html language’s knowledge.

It is eady to use and to expend the content.

How to Use it and expend it

Just add the verse with this syntax:

Random Verselink
verse[x+1]=["Verse content","Verse position in bible"];

The Chinese Version

The Chinese version’s link is below this post.


And please notice.

You need add this snetence, after the verse[x]

and before the:

var i = gerRandomNumbers(verse.length);

This is an easy tool. May you like it.

And it is opensource, you can get it and use it and without limitation, enven without some sfotware’s copyleft license.

How it will show


Verse Sharing

You can watch the below of right-siderbar, it is an example too.

The Source Code Link


You can use the script directly
English:Random Verse Javascript Source Code

May God Bless You!
