I started to use goldendict since stardict is down. Maybe it is the best dict software on Linux.
So I still keep using it.
But I do not notice which time godendict started to supprot mdx. You know it is very strong, .mdx dictionary.
Because since Rayman Zhang created this software. Lots of men create the dictionaries for mdict with .mdx.
I use the mdict since years ago, that time I still use the windows mobile smart phone.
These days, I got a new pc from the compony for work, so I want to install golden dict on windows too. But I found the version I downloaded is still 1, and vesion 1 did not support mdx. So I found this link, the goldendict’s early access build for windows.
Enjoy it!
And, source code here goldendict source code
The Original Link: http://baham.github.io/09_11_goldendict-support-mdx.html
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