Baham's Blog

Above all else, guard your heart.


My old android phone is broken, it can not start up. I did not know why? Because when I pluged in its battery on the night. It still could work. But when I wake up, it could not start up.

So I just found out my old Windows Mobile phone, my first smart phone with 64Mhz cpu and 64M ram, but it rum more smoothly than most cheap android phones.

But there is a problwem when I use the wm phone, cause it can not get a normal signal. The intensity it get is alwasy weak. So I need a new phone. Though I want to buy a new phone after I started to work originally.

The Nokia X is my first choice, because of Nokia’s fame. But most of markets did not sell it. So I bought a samsung android phone. And it is cheaper than nokia x. Cause I just need an android smart phone which can run smoothly. This samsung phone is enough for me. And I can not afford an expensive phone. So I choose it.

Android, Firefox OS, Ubuntu Phone, Tizen … there are more and more phone os now. But the os I like mostly is wm.

Smooth, Light, though ms would not support it. Writing this article is to remember the OSes, and the smartphones I used.

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