Baham's Blog

Above all else, guard your heart.

Ordination-The First Time I Joined

In May 21, the day of 521, just like the word ‘I love you’ in Chinese.

And in the morning, I went to Mineral Research Center to visit the Tan to check my drawing of the Coal Preparation Plant. And she and Mr Peng and others give a lot of advice and show some mistakes. So I need to take much time to redraw it.

And after noon. There is a report in college, I went to join it. Professor Zeng Hongbo make this report about some reseach in University of Alberta. He is less than 30, but already was a professor.

After te report, I found the time is 4 pm, and Miss Zhang send me a message about the Ordination. And I called Ma. She told me she will went back to dormitory firstly. And I think I need too. But when I came to the door of my dormitory, I found it is 4:20. We need to arrive North Gate before 4:40-50.

So I decided to buy a bottole of water and just go north. But Ma did not show.

And I sent a message to ask her where she is. She was in the dormitory and she tell me wait for her. Though I already was on the car to the North Gate, I off the car.

Some minutes later. She came, we went to the North and met Uncle Yao.

And we started to go to the XiXiang Church. It is a long distance. And we talked, talked about a lot of things. From now to a long time ago. Maybe when there 2 people who know each other with a long distance, they will talk a lot more than ever and shared their thought. And when we arrived Xi Xiang Church, It is about 6 pm.

And in Xi Xiang, I found we two have a job to hold the plate with presants.

Pator Ma Wenlong, a pator from US give me a talk about of heart and leadship of pator.

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